Training programmes are divided into two major levels:
(With at least 1 year of experience and are looking for advanced specialty or relevant sub-specialty training)
- Doctors, anesthesiologists, nurses, etc. seeking medical fellowship or residency can train in Taiwan for periods ranging from 1 month to a maximum of 2 years.
Specialty training offered at CMUH are listed as below. (more)
- For Medical Students
(In the final two years of study seeking internships or elective placement)
- Training periods range from 2 weeks to a maximum of 2 months for international students. (more)
Notice: Please make sure you have finish 3 doses of Covid-19 vaccine.
Contact us
Mr. Miles 黃俊嘉
(Fellowship & Observership applications)
Ms. Luna Lin, Chie-Ju 林潔茹
(Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery fellowship)
Phone: 886-4-22052121 ext.#12961
Ms. Shi, Meng-Xuan 施孟萱
Ms. Liao, Xiang-Yi 廖湘宜
(Organ Transplantation fellowship)
Quarantine Hotel contact point: